
I grew up in Dallas, Texas. I went to the University of Richmond in Virginia and worked at various jobs till deciding to get a Masters of Library Science at Texas Woman's University. I met Dusty while working for the Denver Public Library, and the Lord lead us to go into the ministry of Bible translation with Wycliffe. I enjoy the outdoors, reading, and having music on all the time. I sing with the church music team and lead a Moms in Prayer group for our kids' school. I have really enjoyed getting to know our neighbors and started a book club for neighborhood women, which has been a real blessing. I am also working part-time at the kids' high school as a librarian.

Dusty grew up in Parker, Colorado, just south of Denver. After graduating from the University of Colorado with a degree in Civil Engineering, he practiced as a structural engineer with Merrick & Company and received his Professional Engineer license before transitioning vocationally to Bible translation in 2003. On our first furlough he finished his Masters Degree in Sociolinguistics - the study of how language, people, and society interact. Dusty enjoys sports, building projects, and the outdoors. He is always up for a game of golf, a hike, or a bike ride. The kids quickly learned to say "Go Rockies!" and "Go Buffs!" and his fantasy baseball team is the Pikes Peak Polyglots! He is also on the music team with our church playing guitar. Dusty works in his office here in the basement he finished a few years ago.

Tessa Annalise is a 7th generation native Texan. She was born in Dallas on March 18, 2005. Tessa will head to Kansas State University to study Interior Design this fall. She is creative and has a strong sense of what works well together artistically. She enjoys music, hanging with friends, and lifeguarding. She has been playing volleyball for a few years and wants to take up mountain biking. She has a sweet and sensitive spirit and is interested in what God has for her when she heads into the next stage of life: college!

Jackson Holt is our first "African-American!" He was born in Nairobi, Kenya on December 23rd, 2006. Jack will be graduating in 2025, and his favorite subject in school is physics. Jack is enjoying being a Boy Scout, and has been working on getting his Eagle rank. Like Tessa, he works as a lifeguard during the summer. He likes reading, biking, camping, and games - both video games and board games. He plays on the tennis team at school in the fall, and can frequently be found at the gym. He is looking at colleges now to support his vision for engineering.

Cooper Clement is our second "African-American" and was also born in Nairobi. His birthday is March 27th, 2011. Cooper is now in the 8th grade. He has been playing lacrosse for a few years. He is a kid who loves action, LEGO, games, friends, and being outside. He is also a Boy Scout and enjoys learning outdoor things with the other boys in his troop - his new passion is rock climbing. Cooper might like to be an engineer or an architect when he grows up.